Running 3000km isn’t hard; that’s not boasting or being flippant, it’s just not hard… unless… Unless you constrict yourself to 365 days, continue your daily activities such as going to work, going to the pub, seeing friends, going on holiday and generally having a life. So apparently it’s actually bloody hard, relentless and at times, cold, rainy and miserable.
2015’s challenge was about setting myself a sustainable goal, a long term goal that I could chip away at, not something that would last 2 months and end, a worthwhile goal, a meaningful goal, and a hard challenge. Before being able to take on any kind of world record attempt I needed to prove to myself I could sustain a long challenge. This was it.
Other than being fiercely competitive in school, I was a helpful child, I always wanted to help, and I still do and I think everyone has the thought in the back of their mind that by the time death comes knocking I want to be able to say ‘I achieved; I made an impact on the world, and I was a good person’. This for me was why running and raising a shed load of cash for charities seem to be a good start.
So a plan started to form in my mind. I could run for an entire year. Use the year to train, improve my fitness, improve my running, raise a load of money for charity, feel like I helped, and ultimately push towards the goal of holding a world record, exploring the world and meeting new people.
At this point I had no idea what that would consist of, but I had to start somewhere right. Plus, although I enjoyed running at school, I had no idea if this was possible, or if I was good enough. That’s the best kind of challenge I’m sure.
So October of 2014 the plan was formed. I had 365 days to run 3000km from Jan 1st 2015 till December 31st 2015. Every meter would be tracked through a running watch, recorded, so I could prove I did it… if I did it.
The organised race events of 2015 included: the Barcelona, London, Liverpool, Helsinki, and Athens Marathons, plus a tough 100km ultra marathon in September to name but a few. The remainder of the distance was covered through long training runs and smaller half marathon events throughout the year.
By the time 2015 concluded I had complete my 3000km a even a few more. I had ran 33 marathons, 41 events in total and ran the equivalent distance of 70 marathons. My fitness was at an all time high and it was time to take on bigger challenges.
2015 3000km Challenge