The Basics
Name: Nick Butter
Born: August 1989, Dorset, UK
Height: 6ft (just)
Weight: 67kg
Food: Steak
Drink: Wine
Book: Diving Bell and the Butterfly, Black Box Thinking
1st Marathon: Age 11 (school team event)
Favourite Quote: ‘Failure is Success in Progress’ Einstein
5KM - 17:24
10KM - 36:35
10 Miles - 57:18
Half Marathon - 01:22:45
Marathon - 02:55:11
100KM - 09:32
100 Miles - 20:52
24 Hour - 138 Miles
48 Hour - 221 Miles
What I’m all about:
I’m an ultra runner, explorer, and all round adventure at heart. In simple terms I believe in leaving a legacy.
If I’m lucky enough to get to the point in life when I’m old and grey, chatting with my grandchildren I want to know i’ve explored every inch of the planet. I want to have exhausted every ounce of my potential, challenged myself beyond what is comprehendible and leave the planet knowing I did everything in my power to make the best use of my time; to love, to work hard, and to spend as little time as possible in the so called comfort zone.
I believe that it’s the crazy things, the things that no one is doing, and the things that we’re afraid to do… which are in fact exactly that which leaves a positive mark on the world.
Leaving the world better than I found it. By exploring, trying new things, pushing myself and never sitting back and saying I’ve finished, I’ll hopefully be able to inspire young minds, old minds, any minds; that we can all do our bit. Even if our ‘bit’ is just being grateful for today. Tomorrow is a maybe, today is a privilege, let’s go make the most of today.
I strive to do good, be good, and succeed. Many people say running is an individual sport, but actually those of you that run, I’m sure you know, the running community is the biggest team sport that exists.
What’s this website is all about:
My primary reason for this site and my blog is for me; so I can look back when I’m old and grey and remember where my exploration started, the people I met, the pain i suffered and the resilience and lessons I learnt. But there’s also a lot more to it. Hopefully this will inspire some of you, hopefully this will kick start the understanding of just how great it is to run, explore, climb, swim…, to experience the great feeling of being out in the open with just you and some sweaty trainers (and clothes of course).
I hope you flick through the site and enjoy reading about my journey from a slow beginner jogger, to winning races, holding a medal collection, having thousands of photos and memories and importantly making a difference to all walks of life. Be it through charity fundraising or just a conversation that sparks something wonderful.